About Cheri Jamison

Cheri Jamison is an inspiring teacher, facilitator, and creator of the course, "Make Peace with Your Religious Past." With a Masters in Spiritual Psychology, Cheri shares helpful context and tools to humanize, educate, and empower participants to invest in their own personal inner life (with or without organized religion). This course offers participants of any faith, or no faith, a step-by-step guide to explore your past with compassion, heal religious triggers, and honor your personal truth.

"This class is the most meaningful, growth-inducing activity I've done in my spiritual community in 2 years."

- Julie Roepke, Participant of course, Make Peace with Your Religious Past

"Following the first class, my mind quickly slid into a place of ease. Cheri’s compassionate and wise guidance gave me permission to feel and experience whatever came up with no judgment. She gently guided me to a place of openness where I was able to acknowledge the painful aspects, invite healing into those places, and finally feel gratitude for my spiritual history. It was liberating! "

- Tracie Loux, Artist, Speaker, Writer - The Healing Breath